Monday, July 15, 2013

Best Free Polling And Survey Tools - CFI Group Of Companies Recommends

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If you've ever read The Mad Marketing Tactics Blog, you'll know how important these tools are in order to enhance, your marketing, branding and CEM (Customer Experience Management) profile. Use them well and frequently. The only advice which I'll give you is to keep all polls and surveys simple and brief to increase your response rate.

Why Use Polls, Surveys And Questionnaires?

There are some excellent reasons to conduct polls, surveys and to circulate questionnaires, and the prime ones are outlined below:

1) You engage readers - you demonstrate your interest in their opinions, and your respondents are generally very eager not only to give their opinions, but to find out what the results of the poll, survey or questionnaire are, both in terms of the aggregate tendency, and as to where they happen to fall “on the curve.”;

2) They are a wonderful marketing tool to attract new readers or prospects, especially if circulated through social media channels;

3) They are powerful tools for crowdsourcing and gathering market input into a product or service, or an idea;

4) They are good for developing repeat sales and referral business, especially if sent to customers after they have made a purchase, or transacted commerce with you;

5) They serve as subtle reminders to return to your site, and to re-energize interest. Again, they are much more potent in conjunction with the aggressive use of social media.

For all of the above reasons, and for their powerful educational value, some of the best
sources, providers and hosts are listed below, for your exploration and use:



URTAK - More Sophisticated, and with a WordPress Plugin


POLLDADDY - best looking, most versatile, free and “premium” packages


POLLSNACK - Well-branded, and very popular


YARP - Includes a great invitation feature, too, making it a better marketing tool than the rest.

SWAYABLE - Permits you to post two images or photos side-by-side, enabling your respondents to react to comparative visuals - very unique, very good

SURVEY MAPPER - Full-featured, plus adds a geographical identification, tracking or demographic feature not found in other polling and survey tools.


So ends our list of the best of the best free polling, survey and questionnaire tools. I would suggest that experiment by using different ones at different times. You might also add KIK
[] to your polling work. KIK is a mobile messaging app that is a possible enhancement to your surveys in terms of making your response protocol very mobile-friendly. The issue is that there is a great deal deal of “adult” and explicit material being played back and forth by KIK users -- so if you use it, use it judiciously.

Thank you for reading me, and for sharing my articles with your connections, colleagues and friends through your social media channels and using your vast array (sounds trite!) of social media sharing tools.

Douglas E. Castle


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