Saturday, December 29, 2012

Fabulous On-Site SEO Analysis Tool! - And It's Free.

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It's time for some SEO tricks, tools, techniques and free resources!

If you are a blogger, a website designer, or a marketing professional utilizing internet media (and who doesn't), Jayde has come up with an on-site SEO analysis tool. As you well know, every page of every site you create and publish must be search engine optimized so it can be found. Only then do you receive the golden opportunity to prove that your content is worth returning to or subscribing to.

Following is an extract from a bulletin which I received from Jayde (the SEO listing service people) a short while ago, and I wanted to share it with you:

Dear Jayde Member,

If you've just completed your website's design, or simply want to
give your current site a double take, then try this On-Page Analysis
Tool. It will allow you to analyze a wide variety of elements on
your website - from SEO, to image, and external/internal links.

Keep on Promoting!

Jayde Admin

Please remember that before you can build up a significant viewer base, email list, following or personal brand, the people roaming around cyberspace (that's pretty much all of us) have to be aware that you are broadcasting.

Search engine optimization is a technique and a tool for assuring that your online presence will receive the exposure necessary to ignite a fire. Not only should you set up to be optimized, you should constantly monitor your analytics (i.e., your site's metrics) to be certain that you are continuously search engine-friendly. It might take some tweaking from time-to-time, but it is well worth it. Time and money (very little) spent on SEO yield a tremendous return on investment (ROI) over the life of your publication or project.

Douglas E. Castle

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bookmarklets: Biggest, Best Blogger Resource - Complete List

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This article features the biggest, best and most comprehensive list of bookmarklets, bookmarklet generators, favelets, and pastelets for use on both web-based and mobile-based blogs.

A bookmarklet is unobtrusive script written in JavaScript and stored as the URL of a bookmark in a web browser or as a hyperlink on a web page. The term is a portmanteau of the terms bookmark and applet, however, an applet is not to be confused with a bookmarklet, just as script written in JavaScript is not to be confused with a script written in Java. Whether bookmarklet utilities are stored as bookmarks or hyperlinks, they are designed to add one-click functionality to a browser or web page. When clicked, a bookmarklet performs some function, one of a wide variety such as a search query or data extraction. Usually the bookmarklet is a JavaScript program. - Wikipedia


Bookmarklets are free.

Bookmarklets allow you to:
  • Modify the way you see someone else's webpage.
  • Extract data from a webpage.
  • Search more quickly, and in ways not possible with a search engine.
  • Navigate in new ways.
  • Capture information without downloading any software, or writing any code.
 ...and more.

They rest nicely and unobtrusively in your browser’s Favorites or Bookmarks bar - the one that generally runs vertically down the left side of your computer screen. In fact, many of these nifty bookmarklets are loadable as mobile apps for your iPhone or Android. How convenient! There are also a number of great sites and posts listed below that actually generate bookmarklets specifically for snagging RSS feeds, generating and saving passwords, or for filling out forms -- a phenomenal timesaver, especially if you have to fill out a large number of forms daily; wouldn’t it be fabulous to virtually automate the form-filling process? There are also some bookmarklet generators which provide a variety of other very useful functions, especially if you are a blogger or a webmaster.

Mobile or QR-code generated bookmarklets are often referred to as “Pastelets.” Some other coders and techno-geeks prefer the term “favelets”.

Don’t forget that having a bookmarklet for your own blog or website is a wonderful marketing, branding and traffic-building tool.

The following sites are just loaded with bookmarklets as well as descriptions which include their various functions and how to add them. In fact, some of the sites give you instructions (tutorials for creating your very own. In my opinion, you’d do best to avoid any bookmarklets that are attached to, or require that you download any type of special toolbars.

Please click on each of these sites, grab the bookmarklets that you’d like (or, as I do, just Bookmark or Favorite the site itself for your future use) and go back to this article. Just keep on repeating this process, until you’ve collected them all.

Enjoy these diverse and fascinating mini-utilities with my compliments.

Douglas E. Castle

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Free Online Data Storage And Backup - Protect Your Information And Backup Your Computer's 'Brain'.

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If you are a Windows user (as I occasionally am), you know how important it is to have online storage for your documents and important files. It is also important to back up your hard drive [yet another precaution] in the event of a computer crash, accidental erasure, or other catastrophic event. You need both, as there is a difference between storage and backup -- they serve entirely different purposes and provided for two very different types of contingencies. It is important to note that none of these solutions is actually completely "free."

The archived article which follows appears courtesy of ZDNet, an excellent source of current information regarding IT, gadgetry, tools, tips and applications. The technology is improving every day, but the areas of concern for the safety and integrity of your files, data and bloggery are unchanging. Enjoy the article, and then please come back so that we may say a proper goodbye. I'll wait.

If you're a Windows user looking for free online storage, three services stand out from the rest. Although Dropbox, SkyDrive, and Google Drive are superficially similar, there are some big differences. Here's what to look for.


Please stay tuned to this blog for updates about computer security, data storage, and free software for data storage, backup and sending gargantuan attachments!

Douglas E. Castle for Blogging Tips, Tricks and Tools

But Wait! There's More...

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Grow Your Twitter Following Exponentially - With The Best Followers, Too!

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If you want to attract readers, members, purchasers or simply visitors to you blog or cluster of blogs, Twitter is an outlet which you cannot afford to neglect. Just as every blog attracts a certain audience which relates to its subject matter and its writer’s style, a single twitter account is actually a topically-based news and commentary feed. 

And it draws a crowd, in much the same manner as a blog does, but often more easily (people have less patience, and they are not quite as particular about becoming Twitter followers as they are about becoming blog email or RSS Feed subscribers). 

There is also a great synergy -- you can attract visitors to your blogs by using your blog address in your Twitter Profile, and you can attract followers to your Twitter account by  simply posting a Twitter Follow Button at the bottom of your blog.

You can choose from an assortment of Twitter buttons here:

This same site also generates widgets, logos and other magnetic adornments for the footer section of your blog posts and RSS Feed posts. If you want to customize the look of your site and get especially fancy, you can conduct a Google Search on such word strings as “twitter+icons,” “twitter+buttons,” “twitter+graphics” and the like. Search both the web and images (on the upper left-hand selection toolbar of the Google page). Many of these are quite nice, and they are free as well.

Here are some sites for you to explore -- they are either free or very inexpensive sources for building a following for each of your themed (keyword- or topic-based) Twitter accounts. Visit each, then hit the “BACK” button in your browser, and look at the next. These services do not require that you purchase lists of “guaranteed followers.” 

The only other essential tools you should have in order to centrally manage all of your blogs and twitter accounts are TWITTERFEED (free, and available at, and TWEETADDER, which requires a one-time expenditure but which is the best tool of its kind for managing multiple Twitter accounts (up to thousands of separate accounts, if you’d like) and Twitter followers (up to millions of followers -- you may wish to start a cult....just kidding). 

You can purchase your own TWEETADDER by simply clicking on the visual ad toward the end of this post. If you do purchase it here, you will absolutely receive a bonus.

Here are the sites to review:

With the exception of the last link (discussed earlier), which is a wonderful site filled with twitter buttons, gadgets, logos, widgets and other highly-functional decorations to get your blogger audience to join your Twitter accounts as well, the the other ones are free, friendly, natural ways to rapidly build a strong following. I am not a big fan of paying for quantities of guaranteed followers -- the companies that provide these generally produce some twits with whom you would best not be associated, and they also tend to be somewhat unreliable.

While TWEETADDER, below, will help you automatically oncrease the number of followers for each of your Twitter accounts, its principal purpose is as a means of managing (automating) many time-consuming Twitter functions. It also allows you to send wonderful personalized thank-you letters and even some tasteful marketing information to each new follower -- and it gives you a choice of responses for each case -- heck, it’ll even randomize the responses if you’d like to be totally hands-off.

Just click on the display ad below, and build thee a Twitter Empire!

Note: Automate and Dominate the TwitterSphere!

The BEST investment in your social media campaign that you can make.

Regardless of the more liberal (and expensive) “get followers quick” approaches, a combination of the ones suggested above, along with TWITTERFEED and TWEETADDER, will build you solid, cohesive groups of follows who are the, members, subscribers or customers most likely to be converted to clients. Quantity is wonderful -- but quality is every single bit as important.

Douglas E. Castle [], 


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